Tuesday, January 10, 2012

my inspiration board

This is the inspiration board that hangs in my dressing room.
It's just a cork board and I pin all the looks I see in magazines or
online (I print out anything exceptional), for future reference. It's
mostly hairdos, make up styles, colour combos and shilouettes
(full skirt/sitted top). It changes seasonally and really helps putting
outfits together and for getting dressed in general.


  1. I do love a good nosy at a gals inspirations...I don't see me on it,though...KIDDING!
    I tend to keep mine in scrapbooks,or on my laptop,but this is betterer.
    OMG,I want those leopard shoes last post!EEEK!X

  2. That's a good idea. If I could ever do something like that, it'd be remarkable. I'm so unorganized. Just buying the cork board would be a huge step for me.

    Mabel Time
