Saturday, January 28, 2012

new favourite etsy store

By now, you must all have noticed I have an obsession
with vintage hats and headpieces. WEL LOOK AT THESE!
I am in heaven. These are freaking asmazing.


  1. great find - love hats, should wear them more often

    btw: that was le in the picture a year ago (not my sister ;))

  2. These are great! I'll be sure to check out the store. :)
    (Also, received the Frankie magazine. Thanks luv! It's great. :) )

  3. So cute! I've never had the guts to wear things like that..... I am such a fashion "chicken". I have a huge hat collection but I just look at them, for the most part. And use them as decor. :)These are gorgeous!
