Thursday, January 12, 2012

for the cat-lovers

You can make this! With your own cats hair! Squee!

I read this on etsy yesterday here.


  1. I stumbled across something like this once: it was making little versions of your dog out of their fur, and I thought, little Pomeranians with Moxie hair!! Squeeee! And then I thought, wait - is that creepy? Still undecided on the creepy factor...

  2. I'll keep Molly's fluff for you next time she has a hair cut... you could probably knit a jumper with it.

  3. So you love cats, then you should pay a visit to my latest treasury...

    Leave your comment if you do... :)

  4. My daughter wants this desperately. Our boy sheds so much fur we often joke we could create him a whole litter of kittens - now we can - finger kittens!

  5. I saw a show on TV one time where a lady spun yarn from her cat hair. I try hard to remove cat hair. It's like my life, so I don't want to have stuff made out of it. And despite having 3 and sometimes 4 cats, I'm super allergic to them. But my love for them helps me overcome my allergies lol.

    Mabel Time

  6. Not sure Le Chat would look kindly on my stealing her fur, but since my couch is entirely coated in fur I probably have enough to supply all of NSW ^_^

    Weird, but interesting find!

    Talitha xx
