Wednesday, February 8, 2012

for non-australians wanting to order dita for target lingerie

I've been thinking about this and the best way to do it.
For any of my followers that live outside Australia, and really
want some of this Dita for Target lingerie, I'm more than happy to act
as the middle man. I've set up an online account with Target,
which you can use to order and pay for your underwear,
and it will shipped to myself in Melbourne. You advise
me of your order number, and a description of your order
 (so I can check it is all there prior to posting to you). As soon as I 
recieve your order, I'll post it to your nominated address
and invoice you for the exact amount the postage cost me
via paypal. So trust will be required at both ends.

Here's the link to check out the entre range. There are 26 pieces,
and the knickers go up to size 20 and the bras go up to an E-cup.


  1. Thank goodness I live in Australia! I love the first piece, simply gorgeous :)

    Talitha xx

  2. That's a wonderful idea! I don't know if I'll avail myself of it just yet, but thank you. :)

  3. Aww! How nice of you to do that! I can't afford any of it :(

    I have about 25 bras and I wear the same damn bra every day lol. I guess I don't need any more :/

    Mabel Time
